Annual Recital 2019


We are excited to announce that our annual recital this year will be on Saturday, Nov 2nd, 2019.

If you’d like to partake in this year’s annual recital, now is the time to register. The practice sessions will start soon.

The annual recital fee is $125/participant and includes all practice sessions, rehearsals, dress rehearsals as well as costumes.

Fee payment is required to be considered for the recital. For questions regarding the annual recital, please contact the studio/teacher.

Please click on the links below for additional details, to register participant(s) and to submit costume measurements.

Registration &
Costume Measurements

Step 1. Register

Register and pay the recital fee in order to participate. Only those registered would be considered for the recital.

Click here to Register

Fee includes cost of costume as well

Step 2. Costume Measurements

Registration and submission are required to participate in the recital. Late submission could hurt the chances of participating in the recital.

Click here to submit costume measurement

Guidance on measuring provided along the way.

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